INOVATEC ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS was founded in 2000 by its current technical director, the civil engineer Jonas Silvestre Medeiros, who brought along the experience of working as a professor and researcher of the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. A pioneer company in rationalizing building construction, with a know-how derived from years of study, research, problem solving and design of different types of projects. Inovatec develops designs and consultancy solutions for partition and façade walls and cladding
systems, also offering a wide set of services that enable us to solve entirely the building envelope. Inovatec acts throughout all national territory, mainly in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and João Pessoa embracing the commercial, services, residential, hotel, public and social, recreational and industrial sectors.
INOVATEC trails its path under the leadership of its technical director and relies on a multidisciplinary team of associate professionals.

We are a pioneer company in the area of building construction rationalizing, gathering a know-how that is a result of our experience of years studying, researching, solving problems and designing different types of projects.
Inovatec Associated Consultants is the first consultancy company in Brazil to elaborate DESIGNS FOR ADHERED CLADDING PRODUCTION. The designs are developed from our own methodology, based on the PhD thesis of engineer Jonas Silvestre Medeiros, our technical director. This methodology uses the building rationalization as the main tool to integrate the structural, architectural and masonry designs - avoiding pathological problems and minimizing costs.
Our participation has been essential for the success of a new façade cladding solution known as VENTILATED FAÇADE. We took part on the introduction of this technology by performing a consultancy that analyzed the system viability in Brazil and designing the first building with a ventilated façade in the country - Ed. Jurubatuba - where the system was built using extruded ceramic boards.
A few years ago we up skilled and started to design façade wall systems in LIGHT STEEL FRAME and CEMENT BOARDS.
The company know-how specially embraces walls systems, cladding and waterproofing for buildings, both conventional and industrialized. As noticeable on the page "SERVICES" of our website, we have been working in designs and consultancies using a wide range of technologies. Our main activity is to develop detailed designs that are integrated with other systems and are suitable to the execution of each construction and its own characteristics.
As researchers, we are specialized in searching and understanding or even creating new technical solutions, enhancing our designs or expanding our service portfolio.
Browse our pages and understand why we became a synonym of technology and innovation in our areas of work.
Civil engineer bachelor from the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, he has also a masters degree and PhD from the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). He has worked as a professor and researcher at USP and has been acting in developing and applying new technologies in construction since 1988.
He studied Concrete Masonry Technology in the USA in order to complement his masters dissertation concerning Structural Masonry in 1993. In 1998, he coordinated the research that established the use of wire mesh for anchoring masonry - used in the whole country nowadays. His PhD thesis on the Design and Execution of Façade Cladding and the work developed based on it led him to become a member of the technical committee of Qualicer - World Congress on Ceramic Tile Quality, since 1996. In 2000, he founded INOVATEC ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, a pioneer company in adhered and ventilated claddings design and in the development of new technologies for the construction market. In 2009, he was the consultant responsible for the introduction of the first constructive system of ventilated façade with ceramic panels in Brazil.
He was the cladding systems technology manager of Portobello and consultant of FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) and ABCP (Brazilian Association of Portland Cement). He has published over than 100 articles and technical texts about technology in construction. He also gives courses and lectures on construction pathologies and building façade technology in Brazil and abroad.
He is the coordinator and the coauthor of the Technology Manual of Walls and Cladding for Building Façade developed for the CBCA – Brazilian Center of Steel Construction and is the author of the book “Construction: 101 Questions & Answers”.
He is an invited teacher in the Professional Masters Program in Housing, offered by IPT – Technological Research Institute and technical director of INOVATEC ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, where he works for clients such as Hochtief, Odebrecht, Tecnisa, Gafisa, BKO, Rossi and for manufacturers of products and constructive systems such as Votorantim, Stone Architechtural Precasts, Knauf GmbH and Placo Saint Gobain.
Architecture and Urbanism bachelor from Universidade Paulista, Masters in Bioclimatic Architecture from Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, endorsed by LABEE / UFSC. In her thesis, she studied the Standardization Project of Buildings Thermal Performance ABNT NRM 15220 and has analyzed its recommendations through the parametric simulation method based on software EnergyPlus.
She has been working in Design Coordination for 12 years, and has collaborated with offices in São Paulo, Florianópolis and Lisboa.
She has contributed to the gathering and performance of GTS - Group of ASBEA / SC sustainability work. She has participated in several projects alongside suppliers, architecture offices and other regions GTS.
Civil engineer bachelor from the Polythecnic School of University of São Paulo. He acts in the consultancy and design departments of Inovatec, working in product development, constructive systems and processes, walls and cladding pathologies and restoration, as well as in designing metal structures and masonry. During his undergraduate studies he was part of a undergraduate research program in the Civil Construction Engineering Department (PCC) that was themed about the management of construction subcontractors. He was also part of a project for SENAI concerning the prospection of technologies in the execution of heavy constructions in Brazil.
Architecture and Urbanism bachelor from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She has researched the types and technologies for social housing with focus on system industrialization. MBA in Management and Civil Construction Technology from FACENS (Engineering School of Sorocaba).
She acts at Inovatec in floor and façade cladding designs coordination and in commercial proposals.
She has experience in developing detailed architectural designs of corporate and residential developments.
Undergraduate student of Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She has been working in the field for 3 years and she has also been developing detailed designs and drywall and masonry modulation.
Currently she is an intern at Inovatec in the area of masonry partition wall and façade cladding designs.
Building (civil construction) technologist from Fatec and current undergraduate student of Architecture and Urbanism at Senac.
Intern at Inovatec, she acts in the area of masonry designs.
Architecture and Urbanism Bachelor from USP. Currently enrolled in the Program of Professional Masters in Housing at Instituto de Pesquisa Tecnológicas (IPT).
She develops ventilated façade designs at Inovatec.
Interior Design Technician and Architecture and Urbanism Bachelor from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.
She has started her career at Inovatec as a trainee architect in drywall and masonry partition wall designs, area where she currently acts as Coordinator - to which has been incorporated the Light Steel Frame and cement boards design.
Civil Engineering Bachelor from UMC and Civil Construction Bachelor from FATEC, he began acting in the area managing urban development works in favelas.
He started his career at Inovatec as an intern in the design area, where he currently works as an engineer. He acts in developing floor and façade cladding and Light Steel Frame designs.
Bachelor in Economics and Graduate degree in Finance from USP.
Experience in Financial and Management organization.
Responsible for the department, acts in payables, receivables, treasury, costs, budget planning, billing, fiscal movement and production of management reports.
Responsible for all relations with financial institutions, drafting of service provision agreements, policy and supplier agreement management, mediation with accountant, processes standardization and mapping.
Bachelor in Civil Engineering from Escola Politécnica da USP.
He was part of a undergraduate research project in which he developed a tool implemented on software Revit ® - that made possible to create 3D models from images.
He started working at Inovatec as an intern in the areas of consultancy and design, where he currently works as an engineer. He acts in metallic structures dimensioning, development of tools to control results and several consultancies.
Bachelor in Civil Engineering from Escola Politécnica da USP.
He started working at Inovatec as an intern, and currently works as an engineer in the consultancy area, which involves the technologic development of products, processes and constructive systems, cladding and walls pathology and restoration, as well as supporting the strategic planning of the company.
Undergraduate student of Civil Engineering from UFPB.
Currently working at Inovatec as an intern in the consultancy area of Technological Product Development, Processes and Constructive Systems.
Undergraduate student of Architecture and Urbanism at Centro Universitário SENAC. She has experience with luxury residential design, as well as façade and partition wall design.
Currently working at Inovatec as an intern, she develops drywall and masonry walls designs.
Undergraduate student of Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. Intern at Inovatec, she acts in the area of floor and façade cladding designs.